These Kittens Are Quite Anticipating Christmas

Christmas, as the saying goes, is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. However, if you think that it’s only us humans who get excited about Christmas then it’s time to think again, as here are 18 photos which show that cats enjoy Christmas (especially …

A true friend is someone you can always count on to be there for you.

Throughout my years, I have learned to treasure and value my true friends. Having a lot of friends is nothing compared to having a few  real  friends you know you can count on –  friends that will lend you an ear whenever you’re in need, a shoulder to …

The Cutestness Scale is Off the Charts When Dogs Are in Love!

Love really is for all, isn’t it? It certainly seems like these dogs are trying to prove this to us. As cheeky as they can be sometimes, these fluffy, joy-filled creatures have always shown they can be loyal friends – both to humans and to their dog pals. …

Funny! These Animals’ Offspring Annoyance Is So Great

Being a parent is a wonderful experience, but every parent knows, from time to time it can be a little bit overwhelming… and that’s OK. No need to be upset and think you’re a bad parent if you need some personal space, or if you feel like you reacted …

18 Samoyed Pictures That Will Definitely Make You Smile!

Samoyeds are great family dogs! With their alert, playful temperament, they’re rarely aggressive and are so friendly that they have even earned the nickname of “smiley dog.” These active, intelligent dogs are an absolute joy to be around, but they need …

These 14 Animals Could Help You Learn How to Unwind

If you’ve ever owned a pet, you know that animals can be extremely lazy and nap wherever they want. Be it your work table, your flower pot, your shoe, or even your sleeves, our furry friends can find a comforting place to relax and chill out anytime and …

These animals only want to be with their owners.

If our pets could spend 24/7 with us, they most probably would. Filled with love, they probably are unable to imagine just how obtrusive their affection can be. The animals depicted in these photos are endlessly devoted to their owners. Take a look:   …

Even the gloomiest day will be brightened by these adorable animal pals.

Is there anything more amazing than having a best friend? While some of us might still be looking for that one true friend, these cute animals have already found theirs and are happy to share their lives together. Juniper the fox and Moose the dog have …

16 Adorable Dogs That Surely Must Be Gaining Weight

Dogs are the sweetest, what can one do? Well, one can play with them, pet them, feed and water them. One can chase them for a fun game or cuddle with them, and they are the very best of cuddlers. One can also, of course, take wonderful photos of a dog …

Twenty Felines Who Are Enthusiastic About Snapping Selfies

The word ‘selfie’ has become popular in recent years, which implies taking photos of oneself. However, this trend is not just limited to humans – it seems like our pets have picked up on the trend too. Below are 20 cats who are trying to figure out their …