cultivating and tending to amarillis

Soak the amaryllis bulbs for a few hours to hydrate the roots and speed up the growth process. Fill a pot with compost and place the bulb on top – don’t use a pot that’s too big: amaryllis do best when pot-bound. Fill with compost and water well. Leave your amaryllis bulb in a warm, dark place for a couple of weeks, then bring it in when a shoot emerges. Expect flowers in six to eight weeks.

Amaryllis take six to eight eeks to bloom after planting. By staggering the planting, you can enjoy flowers right up to Easter by using the eight-week rule; just count back from the desired flowering period. If you want flowers for Christmas, plant in September.

From spidery cybisters to 75 cm tall giants, all amaryllis have the same requirements. They are best suited to a rich, very well-drained growing medium, in a warm, bright location. Provide this by incorporating gravel or sand and leaf mold or well-rotted manure into multi-purpose compost.

Amaryllis do best if they are tightly packed in their containers, so choose one that allows a couple of inches of mulch around the bulb. Soak the amaryllis bulb and its roots in a bowl of lukewarm water for a few hours before planting. Then fill the pot halfway with peat-free multi-purpose compost, break up any lumps and lightly secure it in place with your fingers. Set the bulb in place, making sure the top sits just above the pot. Fill around the bulb with compost and harden gently. Water well and let the pot drain. Finish by placing a layer of garden grits around the bulb, to keep the compost moist.

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