25 Succulent Gardens of All Sizes, Indoor and Outdoor

Succulents are incredibly easy to take care of, so even if you don’t have the greenest thumb, you can still keep a thriving indoor or outdoor garden filled with these beauties. Succulents come in many different colors or textures, so each garden you plant has the potential to be utterly unique.

These drought-resistant plants can easily be installed both in traditional planters and in vertical wall gardens, without much mess. Just simply mist your succulents (when you can remember) and watch them thrive.

This collection features both indoor and outdoor examples of succulent gardens, each in a unique planter or container. Some of these embrace a more rustic, southwestern aesthetic, with more cacti than other arrangements, while other arrangements contain less cacti, and more other types of succulents.

As you peruse this collection of fantastic project ideas, you will begin to notice the kinds of containers these plants can easily fit into. Succulents can fit in anything from old, mismatched china to discarded seashells you pick up on vacation.

So whenever you go out to garage sales, flea markets, or even antique shops, keep an eye peeled for unique, beautiful containers that you can use to create succulent displays both indoors and outdoors.

So get started creating simple but beautiful succulents displays that are as unique as you are!

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