The ten most exquisite types of lotus flowers

#1 Asian Lotus


Commonly developed in the Iпdiaп subcotype, the Asian lotus sprouts from the mystical teas of Asia. This species reaches a towering height of four feet and displays large flowers and vivid pea-shaped pads that appear to float on water. This variety is constantly on the verge of flowering and is frequently seen in clusters along with donations. Its flowers have voluminous and velvety petals that come together, adorned with a fusion of white and pink tones that create a perfect harmony.

#2 Golde’s Lotus Wheel


This cultivar, known for its sublime fragility, is the Golden Wheel Lotus, a feast for the eyes. The plant ages with an elegant display of pale, gold flowers accompanied by foliage tipped in shades of ivory, lemon, and verdant green. While the leaves are a fresh, vivid color, the petals are a pristine white with a central hint of yellow that mimics a wheel, making propagation easy for anyone looking to grow a water garden.

#3 Aпgel Wiпgs Lotus


The Aпgel Wiпgs variety is among the oldest of the silver lotus family, and presents immense flowers with petals that give off sods, painted in the purest white. Enough to impart elegance and majesty to any setting, these flowers reach their peak in the transitional period from summer to autumn. This variety thrives even in shallow glasses with minimal water, spreading an aura of purity and vitality through its yellowish-green shoots that dwarf the core.

#4 Cheггy Lotus


Called for its vivid hues, the Cheгy Lotus claims an exquisitely charming presence without taking up much space. It reaches a modest height of eight inches but captivates onlookers with its compact form. The flowers consist of a precise set of eight petals, each one infused with the striking hue of chegy, considering the plant a snapshot of the celestial realms during its flowering phase.

#5 American Lotus


Also known as Water Chipquapi, this species delights with its sophisticated and airy flowers that house less than twenty petals, with tips in tones of cacapa or alabaster. Despite the fragile appearance of the flowers, the foliage remains robust and erect. The leaves, unique with their blue-green tips, enhance the floral display, giving the plant a powerful and captivating presence.

#6 Lotus Of The Clear Mooп


Favorite in Asian places, the Clear Mooп Lotus is widely famous. Its flowers, with a minimum of twenty-six petals, show a delicate mix of pink and white. These flowers are supported by tall, stiff stems, growing up to sixteen inches tall and symbolizing love and purity. In particular, among the flowers you can find a fruity pistachio semicept.

#7 Greek Lotus


Maide’s Greek Lotus is a testament to Patuge’s tireless artistic efforts. With oval petals that change capriciously from pale pink to icy green, this variegated cap rises up to four feet, foreshadowing dramatically captivating blooms. Its presence in a tastefully decorated garden space is incredibly beautiful.

#8 Lotus flower


As fervent as the suflowering in its search for light, this lotus always seeks the caress of the suflowering, evoking silent dialogues with the celestial body. It gradually produces dark pink flowers with a bright yellow core and white stamens, thriving in warm, tropical climates but surprisingly resistant to moderate chills.

#9 Curious Lotus


True to its name, the Curious Lotus arouses surprise and bewilderment with its peculiar charm. It is one of the few that has a number of petals ranging from three to six thousand in its splendid flowers. With two flower stalks per stem (the lower ones with pink petals of considerable size and the upper ones, smaller, with red tips), it is a species that sprouts from roots instead of seeds.

#10 Blue Star Lotus


Native to the southeastern and eastern parts of Asia, the Blue Star Lotus is distinguished by its vibrant display of colors ranging from purple, blue, mauve, fuchsia and white. Its flowers, composed of fifteen petals perfectly aligned on a yellowish-green heart with upward-pointing stamens, become the centerpiece of many water gardens throughout the yard.

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