Heartwarming Moment: Woman Treats Her Disabled Dogs to a Joyful Day at the Beach


Dogs are among of the purest creatures on the planet. Even the smallest daily events, like taking a walk or seeing their parents get home from work, can cause our canine friends great joy.

Nothing beats exploring nature, most dogs would agree, yet some dogs find it harder than others.

It is challenging for disabled dogs to navigate terrain that comes naturally to most canines.

For canine wheelchairs, difficult terrain, dense flora, and bodies of water are all no-nos.


Beaches, with their miles of sand and water, could also be off the table, which is unfortunate since most dogs like visiting beaches.

You know that unfathomable feeling of joy you have at the beach? Dogs, however, are affected by it 10 times more strongly.


Salima Kadaoui was determined to give her 18 impaired pups the same opportunity to enjoy the beach as any other dog.

Salima created the SFT Animal Sanctuary in Tangiers, Morocco. Many of the dogs she saves have permanent injuries from being hit by cars and left abandoned.

Fortunately, Salima rarely gives up on her dogs because she is aware that if they can change their way of life, they can still lead happy, fulfilling lives.

On July 4, she took a few of her dogs on a day trip to show the potential of rehabilitation.

The dogs raced Salima from one end of the beach to the other despite having only their front legs functional.

Imagine being asleep on the sand, hearing a commotion, and then looking up to see 18 dogs racing in wheelchairs!


There are dogs of all sizes on the beach, from a tiny corgi to a huge german shepherd. It’s incredible how useful the canine wheelchair has been in saving lives.

Since these dogs can run as fast as their non-disabled counterparts when their wheels are in place, it doesn’t matter that they are unable to use their back legs.

Even a little humor can fit in here! Salima’s shoe is taken by a corgi, who shakes it around in her mouth before giving it back to the rightful owner.

One mischievous dog is seen in another video of the dogs racing down the beach putting the wheel of his friend’s wheelchair in his mouth while they’re still moving at full speed.


This certainly seems to be a playful pack, as well as it’s wonderful that Salima was able to provide the dogs with the life they are due.

There is no doubt that these dogs are proud of themselves.

They can impart some life lessons to us humans. How many people, including those who are not impaired, constantly compare themselves to others and yearn for things they lack?


We must be more like those dogs, embracing what we have without obsessing about what we don’t.

The video of Salima and her puppies has roughly 1500,000 views.

Speaking to The tale Trender about her rescue the mission, Salima said “We have around 600 creatures in all at the Sanctuary, such as dogs, cats, horses, and monkeys.”


She had a lot on her plates! But what an enjoyable occupation that must be.

Click down to view the cute video of a group of disadvantaged canines embracing life on the beach.

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