23 Hilariously Awful Dog Haircuts You Have To See

1. “I dunno, do you think my foundation’s too dark…?”

Funny dog haircut

2. “Bow before your warrior king!”

warrior king dog haircut

3. The Lion King made a really big impression on him.

The Lion King dog haircut

4. From Brigham Young to Uncle Sam to this guy’s dog. The petite goatee’s legacy continues.

Goatee style dog haircut

Panda dog haircut

6. Long or short, long or short…eh what the heck, let’s just get it half and half!

Body mohawk dog haircut

7. “Yeah no, it’s great. I reeaaally like it.”

Gremlin dog haircut

8. Because the 1980’s was such a great decade for hair.

80's dog haircut

Husky Bob haircut


Sphinx dog haircut

11. It takes a certain kind of face to pull off bangs, and golden retrievers just don’t have it.

Golden retriever with bangs

12. Does anybody else secretly wish they could rock this…?

Fluffy tail dog haircut

13. ‘Majestic’ does not even come close to doing this dog justice.

Lioness dog haircut

14. That boy you had a crush on in the seventh grade, reincarnated as a dog.

Dorky dog haircut

15. Cute or terrifying? It’s a hard call.

Dog braids

Sheep dog hairstyle

17. Sweet, thanks for the throw pillow! Wait, not a throw pillow…

Dog pillow

18. Ok, this haircut is definitely questionable, but he’s so cute it doesn’t even matter.

Mohawk and fluffy ears dog haircut

19. “Hey bra, how’s it goin’?”

Short Bob hairstyle

20. “I am a QUEEN and all of you common mongrels wish your fur looked even half as good as mine!”

Marie Antoinette dog hairstyle

21. Ok, so this isn’t really a haircut or a dog, but these pictures deserve to be seen.

Hippie goat

22. Some kid asked for a camel for Christmas and got this poodle instead.

Camel dog hairstyle

23. Is it normal to feel jealous of a dog’s hair…?

Rock princess dog