These photos prove why you shouldn’t leave pets alone with kids.

1. Kids, a Dalmation and some sharpies makes for some interesting times.

funny photos of kids and pets

2. Soon enough, they’ll start to think they’re pets too.

funny photos of kids and pets

3. They’ll blame the dog.

funny photos of kids and pets

4. They’ll dress them up every chance they get.

funny photos of kids and pets

5. They’ll test your make-up out on them.

funny photos of kids and pets

6. Dogs are so patient.

funny photos of kids and pets

7. This is what they generally do when you leave your pets alone with them.

funny photos of kids and pets

8. Kids love to model their dogs.

funny photos of kids and pets

9. What a patient cat.

funny photos of kids and pets

10. How kids train their puppies.

funny photos of kids and pets

11. But because they are cute they can get away with anything.

funny photos of kids and pets

12. During play time, neither are willing to give up.

funny photos of kids and pets

13. Their pets will happily play with their dolls.

funny photos of kids and pets

14. When it’s time for snuggles.

funny photos of kids and pets

15. Sometimes, kids prefer to feed their fake pet, as opposed to their real one.

funny photos of kids and pets

16. No matter what, whenever your pet and your child disappear to play, they’re clearly up to something.

funny photos of kids and pets

17. Time and time again they prove their patience.

funny photos of kids and pets

18. Kids resort to dressing them up in whatever they can.

funny photos of kids and pets

19. They see their pets as little babies they can take care of.

funny photos of kids and pets

20. Yet despite the patience our pets may have, they’d still show their true feelings. 

funny photos of kids and pets

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