Twenty Felines Who Are Enthusiastic About Snapping Selfies

The word ‘selfie’ has become popular in recent years, which implies taking photos of oneself. However, this trend is not just limited to humans – it seems like our pets have picked up on the trend too. Below are 20 cats who are trying to figure out their best angles, taking their best selfies.

1. Group photo. 

selfie cats

2. My best angle. 

selfie cats

3. A seductive look. 

selfie cats

4. Hashtag – Besties. 

selfie cats

5. Work that head tilt!

selfie cats

6. Pretending to look natural. 

selfie cats

7. The plandid.

selfie cats

8. “Anyone up yet?”

selfie cats

9. A snap before a nap. 

selfie cats

10. Selfie moment.

selfie cats

11. Is this my best angle?

selfie cats

12. Enjoying being outdoors in the sunshine. 

selfie cats

13. “I’ll smile when I want to.”

selfie cats

14. Fisheye vibes.

selfie cats

15. Let’s get up close and personal.

selfie cats

16. Feeling comfortable in my own fluff. 

selfie cats

17. “Is this thing on?”

selfie cats

18. Bless you!

selfie cats

20. “Please, no flash!”

selfie cats

21. Who could resist?

selfie cats


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