Adorable animal bonding

Although relationships in the animal world may be different from the human world, many animals form strong bonds, create lasting friendships, and proudly protect their families.

1. Otter


Otters are known for being playful and their love runs deep. River otters are known to share their love with one mate throughout their lives, and mother otters show off their maternal superpowers by caring for two litters per year – that’s up to 12 cubs. Otter pups, with only a 60-day gestation period!

Spread the love: Commit to the Organization for Otters to help us stop the cruel pet otter craze and ensure that animals like otters will live in the wild.

2. Elephant


Elephants set high standards for family loyalty. Male elephants tend to live alone, but female elephants often live in large family groups, either alone or with other females and their young. Elephant herds focus most of their energy and attention on nurturing and protecting their young .

Spread the love: Tens of thousands of wild animals, including elephants, are being abused for tourist entertainment. You can help alleviate their suffering by supporting the Exotic Animal Travel and Public Safety Protection Act.

3. Cow

Thịt Bò Hokubee Và Những Lợi Ích Về Dinh Dưỡng Của Thịt Bò Hokubee – Kome88


Everyone knows that cows live in herds, but did you know they also have best friends? In addition to living in herds, cows also show recognition and favor towards other individuals. Cow friendship is expressed mainly through companionship in grazing, eating and licking.

Spread the love: Reduce your environmental impact by signing up for the Meating Halfway, our 21-day guide to reducing the amount of meat you eat.

4. Gibbon

Họ Vượn – Wikipedia tiếng Việt


Like most primates, gibbons are very sociable and territorial animals. They often stay with one partner throughout their lives, although this is not always the case.

Spread the love: Primates do not belong in the household but many are bred to meet the demand for primate pets. Support the Captive Primate Safety Act to help end the cruel primate pet trade.

5. Pig


We already know that mother pigs are stars thanks to their protective nature of all the piglets in the herd and their single-minded determination to build a safe home for their babies. But did you know that mother pigs sing to their babies? This comforting caress puts the pig’s mother-child relationship above the rest.

Spread the love: Help companies hold accountable for past promises about pig welfare.

6. Dolphin


Dolphins are social creatures and create strong bonds with members of their group. These bonds extend beyond companionship to care – dolphins are known to provide exceptional protection and support to those in their pod who are sick or injured.

Spread the love: Don’t be fooled by their smiles – captive dolphins are suffering. You can help protect dolphins in the wild and keep them in their communities by joining the group.

While we will certainly be glad to understand how these six animals show care and love for each other, it is not just these animals that deserve our respect and protection. Learn more about World Animal Protection’s work to protect animals in the wild and on farms.

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