Discover the Enchanting Architecture: Homes Crafted from the Trunks of Ancient Trees in Poland

Home Nature Under a hollow tree in Chudów, Poland, is a house called Topola Tekla.


Topola Tekla, a residence in Chudów, Poland, is tucked away in a hollow tree

Topola Tekla is a unique and charming house located in Chudów, Poland. The house is situated under a hollow tree, which adds to its natural and rustic appeal. It is a nature lover’s dream come true, as it provides an immersive experience of being surrounded by nature.


A house in a tree hollow, Topola Tekla in Chudów, Poland

The Topola Tekla house has a cozy and inviting interior that perfectly complements its natural surroundings. The walls are made of wood, and the windows offer breathtaking views of the surrounding forest. The house is also equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a kitchen, a bathroom, and a comfortable bed.


One of the most impressive features of the Topola Tekla house is the fact that it is entirely self-sufficient. The house is powered by solar panels, and rainwater is collected for everyday use. This makes it an excellent example of sustainable living, and it is an inspiration to those who want to reduce their carbon footprint and live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.


Staying in the Topola Tekla house is an unforgettable experience that allows guests to reconnect with nature and appreciate its beauty. The house is also conveniently located near several hiking trails and natural attractions, making it an excellent base for exploring the surrounding area.


In summary, Topola Tekla is a nature house located in Chudów, Poland, that is built under a hollow tree. It offers a unique and immersive experience of being surrounded by nature, and it is entirely self-sufficient, making it an excellent example of sustainable living. Its cozy and inviting interior and convenient location make it a popular choice among nature enthusiasts and travelers looking for a unique experience.


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