eye-catching photos that provide us a peek into the entertaining lives of Finnish cats

Sämpy and his furry friends Hiskias Hääppönen, Elmeri and Nelli are some of the cutest megafloofs you’ve ever seen. These stocky cats from Northern Finland are perfect for cuddling and loving. To brighten your day, we have compiled the healthiest and most adorable images of these cats. Share this list with those who need some feline goodness in their lives and vote for your favorite Finnish cat photos. Do you want a stocky cat like these? If you already have one, share your opinion on its character and how to raise it in the comments below. Don’t forget to check out Bored Panda’s previous posts about cats, including Curious Zelda, Bocco, and Zuu, and how cats bond with humans just like dogs and babies. We also have an interview with Riikka Hedman, the owner of Sämpy and the other cats, where she shares her insight into these majestic animals, her careers in publishing, and how Sämpy became an internet sensation. Scroll down for the full interview and more information!






Riikka shared some details about her cats, including their ages and breeds (or lack thereof). Sämpy, who looks like a Norwegian Forest cat, is 6 years old and loves outdoor adventures. Elmeri, on the other hand, is an 11-year-old gray house cat who prefers to stay close to home. Hiski, a 2-year-old tabby without white paws, is half Norwegian Forest cat. All of them are neutered males. Sadly, Nelli, the grey-white cat featured on Riikka’s site, passed away earlier this year. In winter, Riikka builds obstacles for her cats to jump over in the garden, which they seem to enjoy. Although Elmeri and Hiski are not as adventurous as Sämpy, they occasionally participate in walks and games.






Riikka excitedly shared his recent award as Photographer of the Year in a Finnish photography magazine contest, which awarded him a high-speed camera. Eager to try it, she captured a stunning jump shot of her cat, Sämpy. Sharing the photo with a local newspaper garnered so much attention that they sent a journalist to cover the feline’s story. As a result, many people requested that Sämpy have his own Facebook page and eventually an Instagram account was created. The owner of Sämpy attributes the popularity of social media accounts to natural and fun photographs taken outdoors, without forced poses. In his opinion, the best cat photographs are those in which the cat simply is himself.






Sämpy, the beloved cat, has appeared in two books so far. The first book, titled ‘Cat Year’, was published in 2016. Following its success, the publisher approached Sämpy’s owner, Riikka, to ask for a book of photographs about the feline. The new book was recently published. In addition to these books, Sämpy and Riikka have been collaborating on calendars for three years. While choosing photographs for the book was a challenge, professional assistance from the publisher helped. Riikka wrote some texts, but the books are mainly illustrated books. The subtitles are written in the local dialect and have received significant recognition. There are no specific plans for the future, but any proposals are welcome. However, Sämpy must stay home because he hates traveling. If someone wants to feature Sämpy in an animated film, or use his image on a wallpaper or keychain, that’s fine, as long as the cat can stay at home.






Sämpy Co. has become an internet sensation, winning the hearts of people around the world with over 104,000 followers on Instagram and 43,000 fans on Facebook. Although most of his followers are Finnish, Sämpy’s fame goes beyond borders. Fans are eagerly awaiting the latest photos of Sämpy and his friends, Hiskias, Elmeri and Nelli. Interestingly, Nelli doesn’t like playing with other cats and hates the cold weather despite living in northern Finland.

In a recent interview with a Finnish blogger, Sämpy revealed more about herself. According to the journalist, Sämpy answered the questions on his own. “I reside in the village of Kalime, located in the north of Oulu,” said the chubby, fluffy cat. Sämpy also revealed his favorite hobby: hunting mice and moles. However, you would love to catch birds, but they are too fast. Sämpy likes to spend time with his forest excursion secretary and his cat friend, Elmeri. The cat’s daily diet consists of dry and wet food, with occasional servings of meat and salmon. However, butter remains Sämpy’s favorite treat. “Sometimes, they give me a small piece of butter. Aaaaah. And yes, I hear when the butter box is opened,” says Sämpy.

Sämpy also talked about her owner or “secretary”, as she was called. The secretary acts as Sämpy’s servant and maid and constantly points a camera at the cat. Before leaving, the Secretary prepares breakfast for the feline. Sämpy prefers to sleep outdoors, even on the grass if the weather is good. However, he occasionally sleeps on the couch or in the refrigerator and in the sauna when it’s not too hot. During the summer, Sämpy takes charge and gives orders to the other cats and mice in the neighborhood.




































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