Funny Animals That Totally Refuse To Be Typical

Funny animals and their unusual and ridiculous antics are just the best. More often than not, you’ve noticed your pet doing silly things that are definitely out of the ordinary. And it’s always amusing when they try to act like humans, settle in weird positions, end up in unusual places or get caught red-handed with their shenanigans. This just shows that animals have a good sense of humor too.

If you’re having a bad day, let these funny photos turn your frown upside down. We’ve compiled the most hilarious photos of animals acting so strange that it will make you laugh out loud. Whether they’re just being their crazy selves or they’re purposely trying to act stupid to make you smile, having these adorable creatures around surely makes life more interesting. Even these animals know that being normal is boring.

Check out these funny photos that will make you laugh. And don’t forget the share the good vibes with your friends who are in need of some smiles.

Funny Animals Who Think Normal Is Boring

“Repair Cat Is Not Amused”

funny animals repair cat stuck

Roof Cow

funny animals roof cow

“Heard some rumbling in the closet while preparing a snack. Turned around to see this.”

funny animals stalking cat

“His brother was there for emotional support”

cat stuck in plastic

“Plan? I thought that you had a plan!”

hanging kittens

“Kitten is stuck”

kitten stuck in sofa

“A nice Russian Puppy”

funny animals dog carrying cement

“Oh, Hi!”

cat stuck in pretzel jar

“I guess we have a new appliance”

funny animals cat appliance

“What do you mean, it’s not a real mouse?”

cat inside computer unit

“Who put the fox on Y axis?”

fox upside down

“My cat didn’t even make it to the blinds, but he was excited to see my wife come home.”

cat stuck in window blinds

Bikini Doodle

funny animals dog in bikini

“Let’s open an account for these good boys”

dogs opening an account

“Sigh, another year older”

funny animals cat unhappy birthday

“So, what’s for lunch?”

bear sitting on park bench

“Not mine. I found this a week or two ago, and thought it was thoroughly disturbing. So, here you go!”

cat sitting like human

“Not again!”

funny animals kitten plumbing toilet

“Mondays, am I right?”

funny animals morning dog coffee

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