How to simply cultivate adenium in your house in spring

How to grow adenium at your home easily this springFirst and foremost, successful germination depends on getting the freshest seeds possible from a reliable supplier like us.

Adeniums are very easy to grow, as long as you give them what they need to thrive. They usually germinate within 7 to 10 days and sometimes some will germinate within a day or two.

If you grow Arabicum, Thai Socotranum, Somalense or especially multiflorum, we recommend that you increase the heat slightly, germinate in seed trays instead of pots and do not assume that they can only be planted in the same tray as your obesum, which germinates much more easily.

To encourage Adenium to germinate, you need a few key ingredients.

1. Fresh seeds

2. Lots of light (Sunlight or Grow lights)

3. Heat (25 – 35 degrees Celsius)

4. Water (moisture)

5. Good Drainage potting mix

When your seeds arrive they will be securely packed and separated into the named varieties you have purchased to avoid damage in transit and so you know which seed is which.

Step 1

Soak the seeds in warm water for at least 2-4 hours to rehydrate the seed. Our preferred method is to soak them overnight and plant them the following morning.

Fill a seed tray with a quick draining potting mix, something like the following combination works well with high germination: 50/50 mix of Cactus Compost & Perlite although we prefer to use coir.

Make a 3- to 4-inch layer of the potting mix in the seed tray.

step 2

After the seeds have soaked for the allotted time, carefully place the Adenium seeds on the surface of the potting mix, spacing them about 1 – 2 inches apart.

Barely cover the seeds with the potting mix.

Step 3

Water your Adenium seeds to thoroughly moisten the potting mix in the seed tray. Water the seeds once a week, only when the potting mix is almost dry, you can choose to mist them with a spray bottle if you prefer.


Step 4

Maintain air temperatures around Adenium seeds at about 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

It would be ideal if you had a propagator and a good light source.

Move the seed tray to full sunlight when the seeds germinate and begin to germinate.

Step 5

Transplant the plants when they have at least three sets of “true” leaves, which are the larger leaves that emerge after the smaller plant leaves. You can usually transplant the plants about a month after the seeds are planted.

There are many other ways to achieve the same results but the basics remain the same. If you choose to try to grow in a different way, this is your choice and we cannot be held responsible for any failures you may experience. All our stock is sampled upon receipt from our suppliers and only then do we allow the seeds to leave our premises. This ensures that you get only high-growing seeds

Now you know how to successfully germinate and grow Adenium, why not start by choosing from our large collection of Adenium seeds.

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