India’s Top 10 Most Stunning Temple Flowers

Flowers are not only known for fragrance but also used for medicinal properties hence hold a religious importance in Indian culture where different types and colored flowers use for worshiping. Here is the list of most popular divine flowers offered in temples of Hindu gods and goddess.


Importance of the Lotus Flower in Chinese Culture
Indian Lotus or Red sacred lotus is an aquatic plant with the most beautiful flower in the world, national flower of India. The lotus is the symbol of divine, Indian deities like Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Lord Brahma and goddess Lakshmi often depicted with lotus flowers as their seats or holding on hand.


Hibiscus Flower in the Laino products

Hibiscus species of flowers are known for their list of uses, Hibiscus tea, beverage, desserts and as a folk medicine in Indian Ayurveda. Red Gudhal or Hibiscus rosa-sinensis widely grown as an ornamental plant and used to worship Goddess Kali in West Bengal and also for the worship of Devi in India.


Marigold | Description, Species, Uses, & Facts | Britannica

Tagetes or African marigolds flowers are used for medicinal, garlands and decorative purposes as well as an ornamental plants for home gardens
in India, Especially in Deepawali. Marigolds or Genda flowers are part of every Indian festivals from Dussehra to Diwali, also listed as a medicinal flower in Ayurveda.


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Parijaat or night flowering jasmine is the official state flower of West Bengal,Part of the Hindu religious stories of Kalpavriksha and associated with Lord Krishna. The night flowering jasmine are highly fragrant flowers, bloom at night only and fall on the ground in the early morning.


Frangipani | Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden

Plumeria is the most common name of one of the champa flowers found in India, used in Indian incenses with extended name like Nag Champa Agarbatti. Champa flowers are associated with Indian temples as well as in both Jain and Buddhist cultures.


Chempaka (Magnolia champaca) flowers are primarily used for worship at temples, Especially in India and also used in Southeast Asia for other purposes. Magnolia champaca flowers has a very strong perfume and the tree are found as ornamental tree in ISKON temples of India as well as
in plant nurseries.


Tuberose Plant( Rajanigandha ) - Green Ozean
Rajanigandha (Tuberose) flowers used in perfumery and also grown as an ornamental plant in India. Tuberoses are used in making flower garlands in India along with Marigolds, Sevanti and offered to the Hindu gods and goddess in temples.


Datura (Datura stramonium) is a poisonous plant and one of the most commonly found divine flowers in India, offered to Lord Shiva, also used in rituals and in Ayurveda as a medicine.


Madar flower (Calotropis gigantea) is another most common poisonous plant found in India, Also known as madar in Hindi. The poisonous flowers are very much liked by Lord Shiva and always common in the compounds of Indian temples.

Yellow Kaner

Yellow oleander (Cascabela thevetia) is relative of Nerium oleander and a common poisonous plant with beautiful yellow, white and little orange variation of colors.

The yellow Kaner flower is found in various states of India, used for religious purposes and offered to very popular Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

Divine Flowers to Worship Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Lord Ganesha – Marigold, Hibiscus, Shevanti.
Lord Vishnu – Mogra, jasmine and Parijaat.
Lord Shiva – Datura, Madar and Kaner.
Goddesses Kali – Red Hibiscus
Goddesses Lakshmi – Sacred lotus
Goddess Saraswati – Indian Magnolias and yellow Palash.

There are more sacred flowers found in India such as Krishna Kamal, Kadam flowers, Brahma Kamal, Queen of the Night, Burans, Sevanthi, Crepe Jasmine and Rose.

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