Seven Fortunate Flowers and Plants for the Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year is the beginning of the Lunar New Year and it is greatly celebrated as one of the most important holidays in China. It usually lasts for about two weeks, and people refer to it as the “Spring Festival”.

Chinese New Year Flowers

During Chinese New Year, a variety of flowers are popularly shared among family, friends, lovers, colleagues as gifts. These gifts are intended to interpret and ignite various positive meanings to one another.

However, many Chinese New Year flowers are usually celebrated even in other countries for their significance during this festive season.

To traditionalists, this most important of Chinese holidays is all about good luck and renewal, but some flowers, fruits, and colours are considered luckier than others, so if you’re thinking about adding some Chinese New Year cheer to your home or workplace this Year of the Dragon, keep reading to find out how to do it right!

Chinese New Year Flowers

Welcome the Year of the Dragon with vibrant blooms symbolizing luck and prosperity – 恭贺新春, Happy New Year!


Orchids are undoubtedly the most popular Chinese New Year flower. It’s believed that they bring good fortune. Among all varieties of orchids, the  Phalaenopsis is a popular festive flower, with good meanings of happiness, vitality and longevity. Said to symbolise abundance, fertility, refinement and luxury, orchids are ideal gifts for that special someone in your life.



Chrysanthemums, typically those in golden yellow or purple colour, are lucky flowers during Chinese New Year. If you are looking to improve your wealth and luck in the coming year, you can consider getting the golden chrysanthemums for your home. These flowers are often associated with longevity – they are frequently used to depict this idea in traditional Chinese art, for example. It’s a particularly auspicious gift for older people because of this.



In Chinese mythology,  peonies are always associated with richness, peace, honour and prosperity. These beautiful flowers are commonly referred to as “flower of riches and honour”’. As peonies are well-known as wealth flowers, they are great for you when choosing lucky flowers for Chinese New Year, especially red peonies.

The flower also symbolises feminine beauty, innocence, affection and charm. You could take advantage of that as Chinese New Year falls in advance of  Valentine’s Day, so you could decorate the house full of peonies to set the mood.


Peach Blossoms

In China, the peach fruit represents longevity while peach blossom symbolises growth, prosperity and romance. As a result, peach blossoms are considered sacred in China. With bright colours and beautiful appearance, peach blossoms are quite popular during Chinese New Year. They are very popular among young people, as they believe that peach blossoms will ignite romantic luck for those who are single. Normally, people will place them in beautiful vases.


Plum Blossoms

To the Chinese, Plum Blossoms symbolise endurance, courage, perseverance,and reliability – which are essential traits to succeed in life. Because of its beauty and significance during the festive celebrations, it is common in Chinese cultural arts like paintings and poetry.

As the blossom season is around the Spring Festival, it’s a great idea to buy some plum blossoms to decorate your home. According to Chinese traditions, plum blossoms will pull in long-term good fortune.



Delicate and deliciously fragrant, they attract good fortune and prosperity in the year to come. Also known as “Water Fairy Flowers” or “Chinese Sacred Lilies”, they are considered to be one of the most auspicious flowers in the Chinese New Year.


Flamingo Flower

Flamingo flowers (or Anthuriums) come in bright red or pink colour symbolising prosperity. With blossoms shaped like little hearts, these flowers are perfect for Valentine’s Day too and if you care for them properly they’ll last a long time. They bring with them a boost of energy and brighten up the space. They are one of the best flowers for new years for enhancing the beauty of your home.


See Full collection here:  Chinese New Year Flowers

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