Use Eye-Catching Annual Flowers and Plants to Add Pop to Your Garden



pink, red, orange, yellow and violet zinnias, an annual plant, blooming in an open country garden behind a short wood fenceGetty Images

A true annual, zinnias are easy for beginners to grow from seed, and they reseed readily, making them a no-fuss bloomer for lazy gardeners. Plant zinnias in your butterfly garden, and the flowers will likely attract hummingbirds too. Available in an array of forms and vibrant hues, with sizes varying from petite dwarfs to towering stems that benefit from staking, this beloved annual deserves a spot in your cutting garden for flowers all summer long.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summer/fallHelpful Information: seldom severely damaged by deer


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petunia, an annual flowering plant with profuse trumpet shaped bloomsGetty Images

You can’t go wrong with these fuss-free flowers for containers, pots, window boxes, hanging baskets, and garden beds. You can find them in pretty pinks, reds, whites, yellows, and purples. The hybrid ‘Supertunia Vista’ is a particular favorite of Melissa Lallo Johnson, a Midwest-based master gardener who shares her expansive garden on Instagram at @fancyflowerfarmer. “It is a superstar that quickly fills in gaps with loads of color,” she says.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: spring/summer/fallRELATED: 22 Creative DIY Bench Ideas to Add to Your Garden This Year

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‘Aaron’ Caladium

'Aaron' Caladium

$21 at

Credit: Longfield Gardens

Annual plantings aren’t all about the flowers. The pretty foliage of ‘Aaron’ caladium, boasting heart-shaped leaves with dark green borders and pale centers, makes it a go-to annual for landscape designer Daniel McCurry of Father Nature Landscapes. Technically a tender perennial, you can enjoy it as an annual in most areas throughout the U.S.

Sun Exposure: Partial shade

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Florida Foliage ‘Blue Daze’ Evolvulus

'Blue Daze' Evolvulus

$47 at Amazon

Credit: Amazon / Florida Foliage

Both drought and heat tolerant, this low-growing ground cover, also known as shaggy dwarf morning glory, offers charm in spades. It’s is another favorite of McCurry’s for annual plantings.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summer

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These dainty flowers, which bloom in shades of white, pink, and red, require very little maintenance and upkeep (no deadheading or pruning required!). When fall arrives, you can move them indoors or dig up their tubers to reuse for the following year.

Sun Exposure: full sun/partial shade/full shadeBlooming Period: summer

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best annual flowersGetty Images

These heat- and drought-tolerant flowers are perfect for gardeners down South. Even the hottest, sunniest days won’t ruin these beauties. In warmer regions, they’ll continue to flourish through the fall.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summerHelpful Information: deer resistant

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best annual flowersGetty Images

These colorful beauties come in a variety of shapes (brains, fans, and plumes) and a range of colors (pink, red, orange, and yellow). Plus, they grow fast and are incredibly easy to care for.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summerHelpful Information: seldom severely damaged by deer

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best annual flowersGetty Images

These cute and feminine flowers grow taller the more you cut them (and faster, too), meaning you’ll have pretty petals (in shades of pink, white, or purple) in your garden all summer long.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summer


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best annual flowersGetty Images

Dress up your walkway, porch, or front yard with these perky and petite blooms. Once grown or potted, these fuss-free flowers will flourish for months.

Sun Exposure: full sun/partial shadeBlooming Period: spring/summer

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pink impatiens, a type of annual plant, blooming in hanging baskets on a white picket fenceGetty Images

These small flowers with soft and delicate petals are ideal for darker areas of your yard that aren’t suitable for plants or flowers that need lots of sun. Plant them in your favorite shady spot, and you’ll have beautiful blooms to enjoy all summer.

Sun Exposure: partial shade/full shadeBlooming Period: summer

RELATED: 10 Plants for the Shady Spots in Your Garden

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pink impatiens, a type of annual plant, blooming in hanging baskets on a white picket fenceGetty Images

Looking to get a lot of bang for your buck? These fast-growing, vibrant orange and yellow flowers produce a hardy amount of blooms each summer. You can expect around 15+ flowers per plant.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summerHelpful Information: seldom severely damaged by deer


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best annual flowersGetty Images

Easily add height, dimension, and bold color to your garden with these tall, easy-to-grow flowers.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: summerHelpful Information: deer resistant

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close up of two bright yellow sunflowers showing the tiny tubular flowers in the center that attract hummingbirdsGetty Images

While you can opt to grow sunflowers in their classic golden hue, you can also find other varieties in shades of red, white, orange, and even pink. These tall flowers can grow several feet high, so you may need to stake them to give them the proper support they need to flourish.

Sun Exposure: full sun Blooming Period: summer/early fall

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best annual flowersGetty Images

These stunning flowers will make your garden beds look oh-so-lush. From honeycomb-like shapes to fluffy peony-esque varieties, there are endless options. They’re incredibly easy to grow as annuals. With proper care, you can dig up and reuse the tubers year after year as perennials.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: late summer/fall

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best annual flowersGetty Images

If you’re looking to add some fresh blooms to your fall landscape, chrysanthemums (or simply, mums) are a must-have. Pick them up at your local nursery and add them to planters, or grow them from seeds starting in the spring.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: late summer/fall

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best annual flowersGetty Images

If you’re after bold color, frost-resistant pansies are the way to go. You can find them in almost every color of the rainbow (and several multi-color options). And since they can tolerate frost, they’re the perfect bloom for your garden in both the fall and early spring.

Sun Exposure: full sun/partial shadeBlooming Period: spring and fall

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best annual flowersGetty Images

This blue- and purple-petaled annual is easy to care for and ideal for colder climates. Plant them in the fall (their seeds can survive freezes) and you’ll have beautiful blooms to enjoy all spring.

Sun Exposure: full sun/partial sunBlooming Period: spring/early summerHelpful Information: deer resistant

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best annual flowersGetty Images

You’ll want to prep and plant these fragrant flowers in the fall for the best blooms come spring. While you can use the tubers year after year, they tend to grow best with fresh corms each year. These colorful flowers (think pinks, yellows, oranges, reds, and whites) will look stunning as part of your landscape or cut and arranged in vases.

Sun Exposure: full sunBlooming Period: springHelpful Information: deer resistant

RELATED: 30+ Bulbs to Plant This Fall for a Beautiful Spring Garden

Headshot of Jessica Leigh Mattern

Jessica Leigh Mattern is a web editor and writer who covers home, holiday, DIY, crafts, travel, and more lifestyle topics. Prior to working for Country Living, she wrote for several lifestyle and women’s magazines including Woman’s Day, Cosmopolitan, and Redbook

LettermarkTerri Robertson

Terri Robertson is the Senior Editor, Digital, at Country Living, where she shares her lifelong love of homes, gardens, down-home cooking, and antiques.

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