Use pink flowers to decorate your house and garden.

Adorn your garden and home with pink flowersIn this list, we’ve included over 26 different types of flowers to help you find your favorite pink flower and inspire your next flower arrangement. Also included are the significance of the blooms, sun requirements, soil requirements, suitable zone and the season in which they bloom.


The charming hollyhock flowers grow on long stems that provide a perfect home facade. They can grow beautifully along a trellis or on their own in a garden environment. They are good for privacy if planted along a fence.

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

Hyacinths come from the Mediterranean region and had their heyday during the Victorian era. To get a spring bloom, hyacinth bulbs must be planted in the fall. The results of the early planning are well worth it, but note that the bulbs are poisonous and should be handled with gloves.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

There are over 70 different types of hydrangeas, they can be recognized by their lush arrays of flowers (like mini bouquets) that grow out of green leafy bushes. To go along with the “hydra” in its name, these wedding bouquet favors require a lot of water if you want to grow them.

Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

Lotus flowers are sacred to Buddhists and represent enlightenment because the lotus flower can bloom beautifully above cloudy or muddy water. They are often seen floating through beautiful ponds but they can be planted in a container with pea gravel and water.

Meadow porridge (Filipendula rubra)

These gorgeous pink flowers bloom in delicate clusters perched on long stems, which can reach three to seven feet tall. Their great height and whimsical feel make them perfect event decorations. Some people use meadowsweet medicinally to treat colds and digestive problems.


With 25,000-30,000 different species, orchids are one of the most popular flowering plants. They are exotic and beautiful flowers but are also notoriously difficult to care for – with a little extra love and a solid understanding of orchid care, you can grow your own!

Peony (Paeonia)

Peonies have captivated people for centuries and are native to Asia, North America and southern Europe. The peony plant can live for more than 100 years and still produce large, fragrant pink flowers. Peonies are another favorite for wedding bouquets and decor.

Petunia (Petunia)

Petunias are native to South America and come in a variety of colors and beautiful patterns caused by contrasting flower veins, but pink is the most common. They grow well in planters and are short enough to make nice ground covers too.

Primrose (Oenothera)

These dainty little flowers are sometimes known as “pink ladies” and can be spotted by their pastel or deep pink petals that fade to a lighter inner circle with a yellow stamen. They are low maintenance and come in a variety of non-pink options such as blue, yellow, white and purple.

Rock Trumpet (Mandevilla)

Mandevilla flowers give off a lovely tropical atmosphere and are good for growing on trellises, fences and building facades. They do best in warmer climates but can be brought in during the winter if you live in a colder area. If you’re looking for a shorter variety, Mandevilla Sanderi grows anywhere from two to seven feet tall, as opposed to others that can grow over 15 feet.

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