When her best friend gets adopted without her, a distraught shelter dog shuts down.


Last month, Stillwater Animal Welfare (SAW) rescuers apprehended two dogs that were seen running through the busy streets of Oklahoma City.

It’s not unusual for SAW social workers to save numerous dogs at once, but they are used to seeing rescued stray pups become self-sufficient.

The staff quickly realized that these two had a special bond in this situation.

“They traveled who knows how far,” said Ashlie Jerkes, an animal care worker at SAW, “but they always stayed together.”

The gang greeted the two with open arms and gave them the names Bonnie and Clyde. They refused to be separated from each other, even in the shelter.

“They spent their stay in the same kennel together, where they seemed pretty close,” Jerkes told me even now.

The two dogs slept together for three days to relax and receive medical treatment. Despite their continued struggle with heartworm, Bonnie and Clyde were eventually healed enough to be considered for adoption.

When they were temporarily separated on the adoption floor, the two closest friends were excited to see each other again.

“When we gave them time outside, they would just run together,” Jerkes explained at the time.

Bonnie quickly found herself alone at the shelter, while Clyde was adopted by a kind family.

The devastated girl immediately missed her closest friend and began to lose faith that her happily ever after would come true.

One day, a social worker took a photo of her lying face down in her cot and posted it on the shelter’s social media page in hopes of finding her a home. “Bonnie has been all alone since they adopted her brother,” he added. in a Facebook post, “and definitely misses having a brother to hug.”

Fortunately, her goal was achieved ahead of schedule. “It was published on Friday and someone arrived first thing Monday morning to adopt her,” Jerkes continued.

Bonnie finally found the perfect home and couldn’t be happier.

“She’s already adjusting!” Brayden Routh, Bonnie’s new mother, left a comment on Facebook. “She will have the best life, full of adventures with her big sister in blue heels.”


Bonnie’s adoption was just a few days ago, but her new family adores her like she’s been there forever.

Bonnie will always have fond memories of her brother Clyde, but she looks forward to the adventures that await her.

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