Big Dogs Need Cuddles Too: 20 Stunningly Adorable Giant Dogs

Who said that only small puppies should get to zoom around the house like crazy, jump on your lap, cuddle up with you on the couch, and be held like a little baby? Big dogs need cuddles, too, and these 20 adorable gentle giants are no different! It’s just so cute to watch these enormous dogs run away from kittens, cuddle with their owners, and be scared of the vet as if they’re still puppies at heart and don’t even realize just how big they really!

1. «Just a little help, please, can’t quite fit in the car»

Enormous Dogs Being Cute car

Image Source: Instagram

2. Bonner the Newfoundland works at a rehabilitation clinic

Enormous Dogs Being Cute, rehabilitation clinicImage Source: Facebook

3. What a lazy fluffball!

Enormous Dogs Being Cute lazyImage Source: Reddit

4. Santa’s «little» helpers

5. This is the cutest little duo ever!

Enormous Dogs Being Cute cat and dogImage Source: Reddit

6. It’s Malamute time!

Enormous Dogs Being Cute MalamuteImage Source: Instagram

7. Big dogs are scared of the vet, too!

Enormous Dogs Being Cute scared of the vetImage Source: Reddit

8. «My 85 lb dog is scared of my sister’s 1.5 lb foster kitten»

9. One year old, 97 pounds heavy but still loves to be held like a puppy

Enormous Dogs Being Cute  held like a puppyImage Source: Instagram Instagram

10. It’s snuggle time!

Enormous Dogs Being Cute couch snugglingImage Source: Reddit

11. This is a Caucasian Mountain Dog, also known as the Russian Bear Dog

Enormous Dogs Being Cute Caucasian Mountain DogImage Source: Reddit

12. «Seamus the Irish Wolfhound is a gentle giant»

Enormous Dogs Being Cute Seamus the Irish Wolfhound is a gentle giantImage Source: Reddit

13. Yuki is a rescue wolfdog and she’s 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, and 3.9 % German Shepherd

Enormous Dogs Being Cute 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, and 3.9 % German ShepherdImage Source: Reddit

14. «Bruce Wayne is a big snuggly Cane Corso»

15. Dog vs Pony

Enormous Dogs Being Cute dog vs ponyImage Source: Instagram

16. That couch is way too small for that big doggo!

Enormous Dogs Being Cute spotted dog on couchImage Source: Reddit

17. Adorable Simba here is a Leonberger

Enormous Dogs Being Cute LeonbergerImage Source: Reddit

18. A lapdog at heart

Enormous Dogs Being Cute lapdogImage Source: Reddit

19. «Meet Heisenberg. He likes hugs. I’m a 6’1″ 300lbs man. He’s almost as big.»

Enormous Dogs Being Cute Meet Heisenberg. He likes hugs. I'm a 6'1" 300lbs man. He's almost as big.Image Source: Reddit

20. «This is Ben. He has a beard. And he is human-sized. We get funny looks in traffic»

Enormous Dogs Being Cute carImage Source: Reddit

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