Fearing they could be in danger, the entire boat that was fishing for the weird pink monster in the sea let it go.

During an excursion along the coast of Los Cabos in Mexico, a map named Repdo, captain of a tourist fishing boat, accidentally caught a strange pike creature.

“We tied small fish to hooks and threw them into the water,” Scott told the Chicago Tribub. Just a moment later the life started shaking and I knew my rod had caught something when it was pulled back. Getting to shore was quite exhausting.

I asked our tour guide what it was and he said he had never seen anything like it in his 25 years of doing this. “We kept it over the water for about 10 minutes before releasing it back into the ocean because I was sure it could be a danger.”


David Ebert, program director of the Pacific Shark Research Center at the Moss Ladig Maripe Laboratory near Carmel, California, determined that the fish Scott caught was an albipus shark. It was identified as a bloat shark (scientific name: Cephaloscylliυm veпtriosυm), also known as a bloat shark.

After taking a photo with the striped fish, Mr. Reпdoп decided to let it pass (photo: kkпews).

According to the information on the Wikipedia page, this is a species of flower shark from the family Scyliorhiidae that lives in the subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean.

This species is small, more than a meter long, lives on the sea floor, eats shrimp, crabs and squares, and does not chase other fish like most sharks.


It may have a light pink color due to changes in pigmentation. They are said to be a species of shark that is not too aggressive and has a very special self-defense mechanism: they can enlarge their body when they cause damage.


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